Postponement Of Chromebook Distribution

Good afternoon, This is Cassandra Mortier, assistant principal at Ukiah High School. Unfortunately we have had to postpone the distribution of Chromebooks today, Monday August 10 and tomorrow, Tuesday August 11. Again, the distribution of Chromebooks at Ukiah High School for today and tomorrow has been postponed until further notice. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We will communicate the new distribution schedule as soon as possible. Thank you. 

Buenas tardes, esta es Cassandra Mortier, subdirectora de Ukiah High School. Lamentablemente, hemos tenido que posponer la distribución de Chromebooks hoy, lunes 10 de agosto y mañana, martes 11 de agosto. Una vez más, la distribución de Chromebooks en Ukiah High School para hoy y mañana se pospuso hasta nuevo aviso. Nos disculpamos sinceramente por cualquier inconveniente que esto pueda haberle causado. Comunicaremos el nuevo plan de distribución lo antes posible. Gracias.