Dr. Alvarez Wildcat Watch

Welcome to March! This is the time for our CAASPP testing, which is mostly for 11th grade students. Testing begins next week, and is important for a few reasons: 

  1. Scores can help students qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy. 
  2. Colleges and Universities look at our school’s scores as a measure of our students’ achievement and academic rigor. 
  3. Scores are public and how our school is measured.

Students participating in testing will receive a ticket for showing up on time, having a charged chromebook, and trying their best! There are wireless earbuds and power banks to be won by students based on their participation in testing. Parents, please help make sure students get good sleep, eat breakfast (great food in the cafeteria in the mornings), and show up with a charged chromebook for each day of testing.