Career Technical Education (CTE) » Pathways to your future...

Pathways to your future...

Our Career and Technical Education classes are designed to prepare you for a career in a related field. The organization of two or more related classes are called pathways.
At Ukiah High School, we have 15 different pathways.
  • Automotive Technology
  • Animal Science
  • Automotive Mechanics
  • Child Development
  • Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)
  • Computer Science
  • Fashion
  • Health Occupations
  • Ornamental Horticulture
  • Photography
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Welding
  • Residential and Commercial Construction
Any students who complete two or more classes within a pathway with a "C" or better are considered completers in the pathway.
 The courses that are offered in each pathway are listed here.
This is a recent article on CTE which was written by NPR. It shows how industry members and school districts are working together to help students learn valuable job skills. In addition, the following video is also embedded within the article.