SSC Agenda - 01/15/2020
Ukiah High School
Site Council Agenda
Site Council Agenda
January 15th, 2020
3:45 - 5:00 p.m. (Room B-3)
- Introduction of members and guests.
- Additions or changes to the agenda.
- Guests wishing to speak on matters under the Site Council jurisdiction.
Development of System of Supports for Students (Social Emotional and Academic) and Related Schedule Options - Discussion
Ukiah High School is currently reviewing the potential creation of a seven period day to facilitate a clearly defined multi-tiered system of supports that may include a Freshman Academy or Advisory, sophomore at-risk advisory, and specific tutoring in core subjects available in all periods as well as before/after school. This agenda item will allow for further exploration of this topic.
School Safety Plan - Development of Action Plan for 2020-21 (Review of Data and Prior Action Plan) - Discussion
This agenda item is an annual review of data and initiatives as they pertain to school safety issues. Information gathered in this discussion will guide the development of the next Action Plan. The Site Council will be asked to approve this plan at our February meeting.
- Item V has been postponed to be included in our February SSC meeting.
- Designation of Next Meeting: February 19, 2020 - 3:45 p.m.
- Adjournment